Finotes detects bugs in mobile apps

Detecting and fixing HTTP(s) issues in iOS and iPadOS apps.

HTTP(s) issues in iOS and iPadOS apps

What are HTTP(s) issues in iOS and iPadOS apps?

HTTP(s) issues in iOS and iPadOS apps arise when errors occur during the communication between the app and a web server using the HTTP(s) protocol. These errors can significantly impact the app's performance and user experience.

There are several types of HTTP(s) issues that can occur in apps, including connection errors, status code errors, delayed calls, and duplicate calls. Identifying and addressing these issues is essential to ensure smooth app functioning and maintain user satisfaction.

Reasons for HTTP(s) issues in iOS and iPadOS apps

HTTP(s) issues in iOS and iPadOS apps can occur due to various reasons, such as:

How do we use the information in the screenshot to fix HTTP(s) issues in iOS and iPadOS apps?

The issue report provides data points such as the full URL of the HTTP(s) call, URL parameters, status code, request-response headers, and request-response body. These data points help developers identify and fix HTTP(s)-related issues.